saddle peak hike in malibu

Saddle Peak Hiking Trail, Malibu

HIKE TO: Saddle Peak
MILES: 4.7 miles out and back
DATE I WENT: 9/6/14
TIME: 2 hrs
DIFFICULTY: moderate
ELEVATION: 2,805 ft
LOCATION: Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California

Saddle Peak in Santa Monica Mountains is a short hike and can be a little confusing. I had read it was the second-highest peak in the Santa Monica Mountains (I did not fact-check) but I was intrigued after researching the trail so I grabbed my friends and hit the trails. The hiking trail is within the Malibu Creek State Park boundaries so CA state park rules and regulations apply.

This trail is 4.7 miles, inclines the entire way up and even worse, we did this on a ridiculously hot day and there was no shade whatsoever.  Even by the ocean, it must have been 90s, although this trail wasn’t exactly along the ocean which meant no pretty view and no cool ocean breeze. Whomp whomp.

Finding the parking & entrance to the trail was a bit confusing, We drove into the mountains from PCH on Malibu Canyon Rd which basically made one big loop to Piuma Rd and came back down on Las Flores Canyon Rd.  The parking and trail head we started on (I read there’s more than one) was somewhere along Piuma Rd – vague, I know, but w/ the amount of loops on that road… I have no idea how far it was.

So since the hike’s 4.7 miles, it’s 2.35 mile each way (same way there & back). My friends made it prob 2 miles before they stopped; it was a very hot day and they weren’t in the best shape. They were gonna wait there for me while I finished, but not knowing how much further I was, I just walked to the end to peak around the corner.  It didn’t look too bad, so I continued on.  Again, it wasn’t too bad, so I just kept going. 

Well, about 5 minutes after where I left the girls, I reached what I thought was the top only because it had a flat ground viewpoint spot. I was new to hiking then and didn’t know any better about false summits. But looking onwards, the trail kept going up so I knew that wasn’t it. There was a couple coming down as I carried on so i asked how much further I was & they told me I’m very close, like 2 mins, homestretch!  That led me to believe this part of the trail was the end of it…. nope wrong again. 

There were some rocks at the end that I rested at before I snapped a few photos and headed down. Honestly, I don’t think the view from this top was the best in Santa Monica Mountains. The views from Sandstone Peak and Tri Peaks (Santa’ Monica Mountain’s tallest peaks), were way cooler and you should definitely check that out if you haven’t been!

I heard my name called out in a distance and saw this itty bitty person at the end of the trail and my friend made her way to find me.  I guess I kept them waiting too long so they continued to push on to meet me. Then, my sis appeared around the corner. Holy moly I was surprised she actually made it as she was struggling a bit, but I always knew she could! Since she was almost at the top, I pushed her to finish it but the heat was getting to her a lot.

The hike down was hot, dry, and stuffy with no breeze. I always hate going down more than going up on any trails — going up is hard, definitely a workout, and & as much as I hate it, I love every minute of it. Going down is just tougher on your toes & knees, even with proper hiking shoes.

All in all, the hike was… an experience.  Forgot to mention we started right before 11:30 am (yes, that’s the worst possible time of day to go) and finished just after 1pm. 

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